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Landscaping Drainage Swales

Landscaping Drainage Swales

What Are Drainage Swales? When you think of the landscaping around your Lemont, Illinois home or business (or your home of business in neighboring Romeoville, Palisades, or Bolingbrook) you’re likely to think first of trees, flowerbeds, and similar features. But drainage swales can be an equally important or even more important part of your landscaping…. READ MORE

Understanding the Soil Profile and How it Affects Plant Growth

Understanding the Soil Profile and How it Affects Plant Growth

There is more life below the soil surface than there is above and much of that life is so tiny it is difficult or actually impossible to see without the aid of a microscope. These tiny life forms include mites, springtails, nematodes, viruses, algae, bacteria, yeast, actinomycetes, fungi, and protozoa. An astounding 50 billion microbes can live… READ MORE

Beginner Gardening Tips for Beautiful Landscapes

Beginner Gardening Tips for Beautiful Landscapes

Gardening is a wonderful activity that has many benefits. It can help you stay active and be healthier. It allows you the opportunity to get outside and enjoy nature. It can provide you with fresh food and beautiful flowers to enjoy. It can also increase the value and appeal of your home. If you are… READ MORE

Protecting and Preparing Trees for Winter

Protecting and Preparing Trees for Winter

Homeowners across the state enjoy beautiful shade and ornamental trees in their landscapes. Trees are a wonderful addition to any yard, but they must be properly cared for and maintained in order to keep them healthy and beautiful. This is the time of year where preparations need to begin so trees are properly protected and… READ MORE

Color Schemes Used in Landscapes Today

Color Schemes Used in Landscapes Today

Many homeowners enjoy working in their yard and like keeping their landscapes looking the best that they can. The inspiration for color schemes can come from many places. “Looking at natural landscapes and all of the subtle color combinations that nature produces can be great inspiration for designing gardens. A sunset might inspire a warm… READ MORE

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