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Landscaping Drainage Swales

Landscaping Drainage Swales

What Are Drainage Swales? When you think of the landscaping around your Lemont, Illinois home or business (or your home of business in neighboring Romeoville, Palisades, or Bolingbrook) you’re likely to think first of trees, flowerbeds, and similar features. But drainage swales can be an equally important or even more important part of your landscaping…. READ MORE

The Fundamentals of Good Commercial Landscape Design

The Fundamentals of Good Commercial Landscape Design

What Is Commercial Landscape Design? On the most basic level, we all have an appreciation of what is or isn’t good landscape design for commercial buildings. We look at the green space surrounding a commercial building and have the gut reaction that “That looks nice,” “That looks impressive,” “Meh,” or even “That looks bad.” To… READ MORE

Prepare Your Commercial Landscape for Summer and Winter

Prepare Your Commercial Landscape for Summer and Winter

The Challenge of Commercial Landscape Maintenance In areas that experience hot summers and cold snowy winters, commercial landscape maintenance can be tricky. During the summer, businesses want to present customers with an appealing, colorful vista. During the winter, they need commercial landscaping that can withstand being buried in snow and other cold-weather conditions. But though… READ MORE

Understanding the Soil Profile and How it Affects Plant Growth

Understanding the Soil Profile and How it Affects Plant Growth

There is more life below the soil surface than there is above and much of that life is so tiny it is difficult or actually impossible to see without the aid of a microscope. These tiny life forms include mites, springtails, nematodes, viruses, algae, bacteria, yeast, actinomycetes, fungi, and protozoa. An astounding 50 billion microbes can live… READ MORE

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